*INGREDIENTS °1 cup all-purpose flour °1 tablespoon of cinnamon °1 teaspoon baking powder °1 cup granulated sugar °1 cup milk °15 ounces sliced peaches in heavy syrup °½ teaspoon of salt °½ cup unsalted butter, melted *INSTRUCTIONS Next page

Chocolate wafers with cream

*INGREDIENTS +For dough: °4 eggs °1 cup (200ml) powdered sugar °1 cup flour °3 tsp cocoa powder °1 packet baking powder °1 sachet of vanilla sugar +For cream: °1 liter of milk °4 tablespoons of flour °4 tablespoons potato or corn starch °1.5 cups powdered sugar °2 eggs °100g butter °1 sachet of vanilla sugar … Read more

Stuff cabbage rolls!!

    *Ingredients: °1 wrapped head °2 pounds of mince °2 grated onions °1 cup of rice °Salt, pepper, coriander °Tomato sauce °Quince 1pc *Methods: Next page

Creamy lemon squares

*Ingredients +For the cortex ° 4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, melted and cooled, plus more for pan ° 2/3 cup flour almonds or ground nuts (anything you prefer) ° 1 cup (4 ounces) Graham cracker crumbs ° 1/4 cup of sugar ° 1 tbsp grated lemon peel +To fill ° 2 large egg yolks … Read more

Slow Potato Soup Broccoli Cheddar

*Ingredients: °1 Chopped onion °1 chopped carrot °Handful of celery, chopped °2 cloves garlic, chopped °1 tbsp of butter °2.5 cup chicken broth °2 tbsp flour °1 cup milk ° 2 potatoes, small cubes ° 4 broccoli blossom cups, small cubes °1 cup grated cheddar cheese °1 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese *Methods Next page

French Fried & onions

  *Ingredients : °Just peanut oil to completely coat bottom of the pan °2 tablespoons sweet unsalted butter °1 pound Idaho Russet or Red Potatoes °A medium-sized sweet onion, such as a Vidalia °Salt and pepper to taste °Garnish with paprika and fresh basil *Instructions : Next page

Texas toast with cheese

  *ingredients: 4 tranches of Texas toast or thick white bread 1/2 cup grated cheese (cheddar, mozzarella, or a combination) 2 t of melt unsalted butter 2 garlic cloves, minced (optional) *directions: Next page

7-layer salad

  *Ingredients for °1 Lettuce °250g Peas °0.5Red tips °20cl Mayonnaise °6 Eggs °200g Bacon °200g Mimolette *Preparation steps Next page