I had no idea it worked like this!

Carbon Dioxide
Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide, a gas produced in every exhaled breath. Individuals who exhale more CO2, like larger people and pregnant women, can be more attractive to mosquitoes.
Body Temperature and Heat

Mosquitoes can detect body heat and are more likely to be drawn to those with higher body temperatures. Exercise, alcohol consumption, and hormonal changes can increase your body temperature, making you a more likely target.
Blood Type
Research suggests that people with Type O blood are more attractive to mosquitoes than those with Type A, B, or AB blood. Some studies have indicated mosquitoes might be twice as likely to land on individuals with Type O blood.
Clothing Color
Believe it or not, the color of your clothes can make you more visible to mosquitoes. Dark colors like black, navy blue, and red stand out to mosquitoes, while lighter colors are less likely to attract their attention.
Your genetic makeup can also play a role in how attractive you are to mosquitoes. Factors like your skin’s natural scent and your metabolic rate are influenced by your genes, which in turn can affect how often you are bitten.
By understanding these factors, you can take steps to lower your attractiveness to mosquitoes. Simple actions like choosing lighter clothing, using mosquito repellents, and staying cool can make a significant difference. Stay informed and stay protected!



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